Saturday, February 28, 2015

Marvel Bits: 07!

If you missed out on the AWESOME MIX: VOL. 1 cassette tape (like me), Marvel has officially announced you can now purchase it through Disney Music Emporium. The price is $14.98 + shipping, which is a bit more than it was during the Record Store Day promotion. (I'm basing this off of what my local record store was selling it for - $9.99.) Still, this is a pretty neat item to add to your GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY/MARVEL collection, even if you don't have a cassette player anymore. ;)

Thanks to the Daily Mail, we now have more set photos from A.K.A. JESSICA JONES. Again, these don't reveal much of anything, but it's nice to see something from the show. (Photo Source.)

Marvel revealed the upcoming Hulk figures for AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON from Hot Toys, and well, it's pretty dang great.
And if you haven't already yet, be sure to purchase the poster above. It is the first of twelve limited edition prints that Marvel has ordered for the second half of season two. I've purchased my copy, and according to the order confirmation, the print will not ship for five weeks.

Here is the release schedule for the rest of the posters:
For those that missed my tweet, there will be an exclusive AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. prop replicia included in March's LootCrate:

There will also be an exclusive baby Groot item in March's Nerd Block:

For those of you that are part of the #StandWithWard fandom, this tweet should make you happy! It looks like one of those posters on the above schedule will be one you'll want to pick-up:

If you gave up on AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D. early on, hopefully this nice little review from Entertainment Weekly will make you decide to tune back in:

And finally, some more details on AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON from director Joss Whedon:

”[Age of Ultron] got larger than the first film,” Whedon explains to Yahoo Movies. “I didn’t mean for it to get larger, but the climax that I pitched was completely unhinged and nobody said no, so that’s that.”
Source: Yahoo.

That's it for today's Marvel Bits!

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