Wednesday, January 21, 2015


In order to try and condense the AGENT CARTER news that has come out (so far) this week, I've gone ahead and compiled everything I've found into one post!

First up, Variety ran a profile on the ‘Agent Carter’ Showrunners, Tara Butters and Michele Fazekas. Here is a small piece from Variety:
While “Resurrection” is far more somber and measured, “Carter” is like walking into a playroom. Despite the intense level of secrecy insisted upon by Marvel — encrypted key cards are needed to get in, scripts are shredded daily — the writers seem to thrive under the pressure. The teasing, the pranking, the football tossing starts when Butters and Fazekas arrive. Then again, it’s probably been going on all day. A debate over a scene somehow segues into a long yarn about drowning kittens. (You had to be there.)
I'd definitely suggest checking out the rest as it is an interesting read. (Link to article.)

Marvel & ABC have released a ton of new stills from the next two episodes, "The Blitzkrieg Button" (01x04) & "The Iron Ceiling" (01x05).

 photo 1uXY0Ut_zps5e1e76b2.jpg photo 13zpHQL_zps6921e8a8.jpg photo 7TUDEWC_zpsb1d81ad9.jpg photo 1gMja08_zps5c0b403d.jpg photo Bia5GzB_zps9798ec41.jpg photo bS4VgGs_zpsbbfa5df0.jpg photo cU4su3J_zpsbe1afbfe.jpg photo dz6XP1X_zpsc482a042.jpg photo hJYbcji_zps2288f094.jpg photo SXHvZqg_zpsf6763cbc.jpg photo tSB8tPs_zpsb29cb512.jpg photo Pi93aeC_zps6e8fa6e5.jpg photo uQsle54_zpsd6c927b3.jpg photo ZXiLNMz_zps54f1161a.jpg photo y5mSOVB_zps8f4f6a15.jpg

Don't forget that Stan Lee's AGENT CARTER cameo will take place in the fourth episode, "The Blitzkrieg Button". (Promo still source.)

Dominic Cooper talked to Marvel about his role as Howard Stark and what is different between working on the Marvel films and AGENT CARTER. You can read that by going here. It's worth a read.

There's also a brand new promo for the next episode:

And finally, filming for season one of AGENT CARTER has wrapped. As of right now, a second season is still up in the air. ABC probably won't say anything until May (same for AGENTS OF S.H.I.E.L.D.) so we have a bit of a wait still.

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